📖: Genesis 4:1-15, 6:5-22 ; Job 8:13, 11:20, 13:16, 18:14,  20:5, 24:13, 27:8-10; Psalm 10:3, 6, 7, 9, 34:21, 36:13, 37:1; Proverbs 2:14, 3:33, 6:12-26, 10:28, 16:29; Isaiah 33:14, 51:13, 59:4, 7; Jeremiah 2:19; Ezekiel 3:18-19, 33:8; Micah 2:1; Matthew 24:51; Mark 8:36; Luke 12:1-2, 21:24; John 14:15; Romans 1:29, 3:10-18, 6:23, 8:7; Ephesians 4:18; Philippians 3:19; 2 Timothy 3:2-4;

Confession Psalm 91, 46, 121:1-8

Memory Verse: Ecclesiastes 12:14

After the Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden, it did not take long for sin and wickedness to spread over the entire earth. From time immemorial, wickedness has always been in the heart of man. Wickedness is generally considered a synonym for evil or sinfulness; a profound evil committed consciously and of free will; It can also be considered the quality or state of being wicked. In the well-known story of Cain and Abel, the first man born on the earth also becomes the first murderer. The Bible tells us in Genesis 6:5, “The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” Prior to the Flood the human race had become completely characterized by wickedness and evil. As a result, we are told that God “grieved in His heart” for creating man, (Genesis 6:6). The wicked person is treacherous, and at the same time ambushes the unsuspecting; the wicked person is volatile, unpredictable, frightening, and destructive. The word “wicked” also could imply “beyond repentance” and un-correctable…or incorrigible….beyond hope…completely corrupted and rotten to the core. Like a lion, the wicked  person know that they have power and they always use it in a destructive way. The wickedness of man in our present world seems to be increasing in number and on a daily basis.

Wickedness can be defined as a quality, state or condition that does not conform to God’s standard of moral excellence. The way of Cain —idolatry, murder, deceit, selfishness, hypocrisy has saturated this wicked world. The psalmist describes two sides of the character of the wicked in Psalm 10:2–11. Structurally each description is five verses long and ends with the inner thoughts of the unjust oppressor, “He says in his heart” as it is written in Psalm 10:6, 11. Two words summarize these wicked people: oppressors, arrogant and aggressive. The potential for evil within human nature, comes to the fore as a result of personal choices; those choices are influenced and the subsequent evil is amplified by satan the devil. The temptation to give in to wicked deeds, especially by those in power, is nothing new to we who watch wars and horrible acts of cruelty perpetrated on a daily basis, across the world. The wicked man is not only arrogant and proud, he is aggressive and violent. Because he is affluent, he is convinced that nothing can touch him. Success has blinded his eyes to God’s judgment—it is too high for him. Their pride and violence spell disaster for anyone who stands in their way. In fact, sins of the tongue are the most common kind of violence in the Psalms. C. S. Lewis.

The word “wicked” or “wickedness” appears throughout the Bible. Wickedness, or its modern equivalent, evil tends to be associated with mass murderers, violence, corruption, increase shedding of innocent blood, sexual immorality, serial rapists, child molesters, drug dealers, worshipping pagan gods, oppressing the poor, and cruelty in warfare (Mark 7:21-23). A profound evil committed consciously and of free will. It can also be considered the quality or state of being wicked. It transcends age, gender, race, and culture, even though the environment can be a contributory factor. Throughout the Bible, God reveals that His desire is for human beings to repent—which means a change of life to the core of the heart. The New Covenant was prophesied to include God’s law (the definition of His character) being written on the hearts and minds of human beings (Jeremiah 31:33). God does not force anyone to follow Him. Scripture teaches that only those who receive His gift of salvation by trusting in Christ as Saviour. We know the opposite of wickedness is righteousness. But as Paul points out in Romans 3:10, “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.” As believers, we must strive to not stop sinning, and live a godly and meaningful life. For those yet to surrender their lives to Jesus, do so now, tomorrow might be too late. DO IT NOW! STAY SAFE! STAY HEALTHY! STAY STRONG! STAY FIRM! STAY FOCUSED! STAY CONNECTED! STAY IN FAITH! STAY BLESSED!


🙏Oh LORD, whatever YOU have not positioned into my life, wipe it away, in the name of Jesus.
🙏My Father, help me to detach myself from any worldly practice that will take me to hell, in Jesus’ name.
🙏I silence every negative voice within me ministering frustration and disappointment into my life, in the name of Jesus.
🙏Let every evil imagination against me backfire on there heads now, in the name of Jesus.
🙏Let the destructive plan of the enemies aimed against me blow up in their faces, in the name of Jesus.
🙏Let all powers sponsoring evil decisions against me be disgraced and destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
🙏Let every stubborn strongman delegated against me fall down and die in the name of Jesus.
🙏Let the wickedness of the wicked, be terminated in my life and family line, in the name of Jesus.
🙏I cover and seal all my prayers and answered prayers with the Precious Covenant Blood of Jesus Christ.
🙏Thank You Lord, for answered prayers.

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