📖: Genesis 39:2-5, 41:15-16; 1 Samuel 2:8, 15:16‭-‬17, 16:1; 1 Kings 19:18; Judges 6-8, 11:1-6; Ruth 3:1-18; Psalm 22:14, 23:1-6; 56:3-4; Proverbs 11:14; John 14:17, 15:13; Acts 14:8-20; Romans 8:26-‬34; 1 Corinthians 2:3; 2 Corinthians 12:10; Ephesians 6:10; Philippians 4 :13, 19; 2 Timothy 4:5, 22; Hebrews 11:1-6, 4:16, 13 7; James 4:2-4

Confession Psalm 91, 46, 121:1-8

Memory Verse: Judges 7:1

God created man in His own image, and has created every one with a virtue; God has deposited into everyone things that will make us great. Unfortunately, we all face hard times in our lives, whether it’s something seemingly small like a stressful day at work or a more significant event like a troubling medical diagnosis or loss of a loved one. Our parents cannot determine what we will become in life; It lies in our hands, and in the Hands of the God. In life, we must  remember that our background does not matter with our destiny fulfillment. But we must not forget that our certificates or social status may not be able to solely guarantee us to becoming a Hero, but it is all in God’s Hands. It is not everyone that’s born with a silver spoon, and many people are sometimes torn between where they’ve been and where they’re going, between their will and God’s Will for their life. To some people, failure is often seen as a setback, but for many successful individuals, it’s a stepping stone towards success.

Being at the end, at the bottom, or feeling empty inside are common sentiments for us who live in a fallen, broken world. We must not forget that we’re created in God’s own image and we are too loaded to fail. God did not design our life to end as a “failed product.” Nothing in our life points to failure. Our brain works faster and better than the best computer that runs the success machineries of the civilised world. Our destiny has a future that is filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11). God foreknew us according to Romans 8:28-30. So, all around us, nothing suggests, even in the faintest idea, that we came into this world to fail.  Friends, you are here to succeed. You are here to positively affect and impact mankind. The Bible showcases a number of characters who have emerged from practically nowhere, against all odds, to hold key positions in the affairs of the state. God is gracious and will repeat it again. Whenever God gets ready to do a new thing, He engages certain processes. As a believer, don’t write yourself off; whatever you have in your hand is all God needs to start with; Don’t burn out and be discouraged.

Tln life, there are five processes of grace that God uses to raise zeros to Heroes: God takes notice of a man: God took notice of David as he kept his father’s flock; God predestines: He pre-arranges that you will become as His Son; God calls and justifies: When God calls He justifies and glorifies. I see God qualifying someone before the end of the year, in the name of Jesus. Unfortunately, in becoming a Hero, we must contend with the enemy for control of our life: Foundational powers: These are the forces from our root, which pulls a man back from becoming a Hero in life; such are satanic Embargos, limitations; Dream Killers; Glory Diverters; Household wickedness; Unfriendly friends. Prayer is God’s way for us to receive what we need from Him (Hebrews 4:16). He tells us the reason we don’t have what we need is because we haven’t asked or because we are asking selfishly (James 4:2-4). God knows what we need before we ask, we need to always communicate with Him, and He is able to do more than all we ask or imagine. With regard to God’s answers to prayer, expect the unexpected. God is in control. We all need to spend more time in prayer. For those yet to surrender their lives to Jesus, do so now, tomorrow might be too late. DO IT NOW! STAY FIRM! STAY HEALTH! STAY CALM! STAY POSITIVE! STAY IN FAITH! STAY FOCUSED! STAY CONNECTED! STAY ALERT ! STAY BLESSED!


🙏Deliver me, Lord, from going along to get along, from letting the world squeeze me into its mold. I want to live with convictions and courage.
🙏My Father my Father, anything that is holding me back be it my past, family foundation, evil people around my life, by the Blood of Jesus, I break out, in the name of Jesus.
🙏Any force cutting my dreams short and keeping around the same cycle each year as I pray now let such forces be destroyed by Fire, in the name of Jesus.
🙏O Lord, give me opportunities that will make my destiny blossom in Jesus’ name.
🙏My Father, instruct me in the way I should go in Jesus’ name.
🙏I withdraw my name from the book of “born-for-nothing” in Jesus’ name.
🙏I silence every spirit that wants to turn me to zero level, my effort shall not swallowed by the wasters in the name of Jesus
🙏Wherever my God ordained glory has been caged- be released, manifest, and  shine, in the name of Jesus.
🙏I cover and seal all my prayers and answered prayers with the Precious Covenant Blood of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus.
🙏Thank You Lord, for answered prayers.

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